Gilbert Dawson
Gilbert Dawson Gilbert Dawson is a Kwakwaka’wakw artist born in Alert Bay, and a member of the Dzawada’euxw First Nation. Gilbert holds Wolf, Sun, and Sisiutl as his crests. Gilbert has been carving since 1995. He has worked with Beau Dick, Bruce Alfred, Sam Shaughnessy, Don Svanvyc, Joe Pederson, and Joe Wilson. He has also immersed himself in the Kwak'wala language, and has learned more than 75 ceremonial songs. He is the nephew of jewellery carver John Lancaster. In July of 2001, he carved many masks for a potlatch hosted by James Speck.
George Littlechild
George Littlechild George Littlechild is a Plains Cree artist who has lived in the Comox Valley for over 20 years. Since graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Art Degree from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design in 1988, George has shown work in numerous solo and group exhibitions across Canada, the United States, Europe and Australia. “I began to create art as a small boy. My foster mother saw that I had a talent at a very young age. She was encouraging, loving… She saw the gift in me. Scribblers were filled, art lessons began at an early age… Art school, exhibition and books, lectures, and teaching. In my work, I am committed to righting the wrongs that First Nations peoples have endured by creating art that focuses on cultural, social and political injustices. As an artist, educator and cultural worker, my goal is a better world. It is my job to show the pride, strength and beauty of First Nations people and cultures, and contribute to the betterment of mankind.”
Heather Curtis
Heather Curtis Heather Curtis is an Ojibwe illustrator and designer with a rich background in both classic graphic design and studio arts, including oil and acrylic painting, printmaking, and drawing. She also dabbles in digital painting. Having struggled with dyslexia, Heather finds joy in the narrative power of illustration to tell stories without words. Her artistic goal is to infuse inspiration, awe, and beauty into every creative endeavor. Recently discovering her Indigenous (Michisaagiig of Rice Lake, Hiawatha Nation) ancestry, she is on a journey to learn more about her roots. Heather enjoys sharing dad jokes, hoping that both her humour and her art bring smiles to those who experience them. Originally from Vancouver, Heather has embraced the relaxed pace and natural beauty of the Comox Valley, where she works as a full-time freelance designer and artist. She loves neon, sci-fi, board games, and spending time with her partner and cat.
Jeanette La Berge
Jeanette La Berge My name is Axumus from my great grandmother, Margaret Frank nee Wilson from 'Namgis. This was placed on me at my fourth potlatch. I am a member of the K’ómoks First Nations through my mother, although that is only one small part of me - I am Haida from my dad and Dakelh, Kwakwaka’wakw, and French from my mom. I am a mixed media artist, open to all types of material to bring a vision to life. I try to incorporate natural aspects into all my pieces whether that be feelings, colours, or shapes.
Jenja McIntyre
Jenja McIntyre I am a Metis artist with Sarcee and Cree roots. I was born Jennifer McIntyre near the Rocky Mountains, but am known to most by the nickname Jenja. I attended North Island College where I completed my diploma in Fine Arts and then went on to graduate at the top of my class at Emily Carr University in 2011. Since then, I have been actively programming, teaching, making and selling art, and doing events/shows regionally. My current art practice is very much about the experience of being human, and our relationships between each other and the environment. I work in many mediums: drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, ceramics, and piano are among my favourite forms of expression. I love that art can bring together a community and provide so much joy and fulfillment. Constant in my artwork is the use of bold color and process-based mark making. To me art is not only what hangs in a gallery, it is also the moment that the artist and viewer alike are connected to source.
Rachelle Antoine
Rachelle Antoine Rachelle Antoine is a K’ómoks First Nation member of Coast Salish and Kwakwaka’wakw descent on her father’s side, and Saik’uz Dakelh on her mother’s side. She was born and raised on her traditional territory in K’ómoks, BC. Following in her mother’s footsteps, she started to focus on her Indigenous art in the last decade, and has worked in mediums from leatherwork and beadwork to silkscreen and block printing. She makes prints, art cards, apparel, beaded hats, jewelry, housewares, and more. Her art and products are all made in her home in beautiful K’ómoks, BC.
River Ross
River Ross River Ross is a K’ómoks First Nation member of Coast Salish, Kwakwaka’wakw, and Dakelh descent. She is ten years old, and the daughter of Rachelle Antoine.
Tommy Brown
Tommy Brown Yo! Nugwa’am t’ลalipalas, gayutลan 'Nakwaxda'xw dลu Da’naxda’xw. Hello. My name is Tommy Brown, I come from the ‘Nakwaxda’xw and Da’naxda’xw People. I was born and raised in Port Hardy BC. I have been an artist since 2015. I learned to paint, then moved to carving in 2016. I started doing digital art in 2021. I work in a traditional style, and have started in contemporary art. My main focus right now is paintings and digital art. I work on paintings, logo design, tattoo design and prints.